Here in Big Sky Country we are thankful for a lot of things – blue skies, sharp mountain peaks, and room to breathe and think. We are also thankful for the leadership offered by our Engel & Volkers Americas President and CEO, Anthony Hitt. Anthony recently sent an executive update that called all advisors and shops to pause and reflect on the great upheaval our nation has been experiencing the past few months. As we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, and now address nation-wide tension due to racial injustice, it’s apparent there is a “new normal” on the horizon for America. We choose to believe this is better for us and our nation. Anthony reminds us:
“We as individuals have so much power. While one person’s actions can ignite destruction, one person’s actions can also evoke hope, change, and kindness. We must realize the power our individual actions have on others and choose to act out of care for one another.”
We recognize the privilege we live with here in our beautiful Montana. We have good neighbors, pride in our communities, and the luxury of the great outdoors in which we move and refresh our spirits. From this place of privilege, Anthony calls us to be leaders. He said:
“Whether you are black, white, LBGTQ, Hispanic, Asian… what is happening now impacts each and every one of us and our future. Be mindful. Be sensitive. Show empathy. Show leadership. Lead every day knowing change begins with you.”
This is our intention, going forward into the “new normal.” We want our fellow real estate professionals and our clients (past, current, and future) to know we choose to build up, include, and serve all people in our community. We are thankful for local law enforcement professionals who value “the sanctity of human life and the importance of treating all persons with dignity and respect (Bozeman Police Chief Steve Crawford; 6/1/2020). And, we are committed to perform our professional duties with excellence, competence, and passion.
Posted by PollyAnna Snyder on
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