Since the premiere of the show "Yellowstone" in June of 2018, the western Montana region setting the backdrop to the show has grown in popularity. With Kevin Costner cast as the lead, John Dutton, the modern-day western has captivated the American viewing audience. With a storyline full of drama, family loyalty, and power grabs, each episode leaves the viewers anxiously waiting for the next episode. 


While there is no data on the impact the show has had on the popularity of the region. Real estate numbers and national park attendance seem to indicate the greater Yellowstone area has become quite popular. The Wall Street Journal recently named Billings as the No. 1 emerging housing market in the United States. The Gallatin Association of Realtors…

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(Bozeman, Montana…..September 22, 2021) Bozeman Fiber announced today that it has applied for a $65 million Industrial Development Revenue Bond through Gallatin County to build a world-class fiber internet network to 22,000 homes in the Gallatin Valley. The organization, officially organized as a 501 (c)(4) nonprofit, has partnered with the county to serve as conduit for the transaction which will make gigabit fiber service available to every household and business in the greater Bozeman area. The funds are completely investor-based and at no risk or cost to the county or taxpayers.

“Bozeman Fiber is extremely excited to take this step forward in our fiber-to-the-home project,” said Greg Metzger, CEO of Bozeman Fiber. “The $65 million raised will…

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