1. Accepting the highest offer without regard to the other contractual terms

2. Not properly handling multiple offer situations with multiple Buyers

3. Not properly handling back-up offers

4. Entering into an agreement/contract with little or no earnest money from the Buyer

5. Entering into an agreement/contract without verifying the Buyer’s financial ability to close the escrow/contract

6. Not disclosing known material facts affecting the value or desirability of the property

7. Not providing the Buyer with legally required disclosures

8. Not obtaining the Buyer’s written acknowledgement of disclosures

9. Not considering whether and when to require the Buyer to remove contingencies

10. Not excluding items from the sale that…

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When you start to think (and act?) on buying a new home, maybe something like this has happened to you.  Here’s a bit of a graphed “look” at what buying a new home for our clients may feel like.  100 is elation and 0 being despair.  

A)      Dare to dream – this is the fanatical joy of dreaming and hoping.  The idea and ream are borne, it’s just perfect and new.  You can’t wait to start shopping. 

B)      Reality hits as you start thinking “home loan” – this is where your Realtor (who you’ve called to share your hope with) coaches you to consult a lender and see how much house you can afford.  Thoughts of monthly check writing and mortgages payments creep in.


C)      The pause of reality happens – you find out you can actually afford a new…

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