This has been my dream for our area...if a farm needs to sell to development, why not turn it into an agrihood? The idea is to not just sell to a developer and squeeze as many houses into it as possible but to mesh it with both homes and farmland.  The homes would have smaller footprints giving way to farmland for CSAs/horse pasture/pond for community water and trails. The benefit can go to either the developer or the farmer in the form of a conservation easement in addition to the sale of the development rights for the remaining land. For example, instead of building 100 homes on one-acre (0.4 ha) lots, an agrihood might include 100 homes on quarter-acre (0.1 ha) lots with 75 acres (30 ha) of conserved open space and/or farmland. significantly from…

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This year, we have partnered with the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership (TRCP) to identify 6.35 million acres of state lands in 11 Western states sitting landlocked and off-limits unless access is granted by a neighboring landowner. By using onX technology, we have created an analysis of state land access issues, assessing various initiatives by state agencies across the West in the hopes of identifying and establishing new recreational opportunities on these lands.  Click to download the report.

In 2018, onX worked with TRCP to identify 9.52 million acres of landlocked federal public lands around 13 Western states. The data from this report was curated to help identify access opportunities, collaborative solutions and increase public…

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MAMMOTH HOT SPRINGS, Wyo. – Biologists from the National Park Service, U.S. Geological Survey and the Universities of Wyoming and Montana published findings of a 10-year study about bison migration and grazing in Yellowstone National Park in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in November.

The findings result from a decade of research on Yellowstone bison by National Park Service biologists which included putting GPS collars on bison, setting up field experiments to evaluate plant growth and grazing intensity, and collecting dung and plant samples.

The findings confirm that wild bison shape vegetation cycles and enhance growth throughout the summer. Scientists discovered, with the help of NASA satellites,…

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I recently sold my home in hopes of building a new home on a small acreage. I am very frugal by nature, so renting has always been hard for me since I learned the benefits of owning. I have turned some of my tenants into homeowners as well. I understand it is not for everyone, but I am happy to advise when it is a benefit to you. 

My original plan was to start building shortly after closing on my previous home in hopes to have a new home by March. So, with that in mind, I rented a portion of a friend's house short-term so I could have my dog and flexibility of when I would move into the new place.  Well...the trade wars started and building materials skyrocketed, therefore the cost of the new home skyrocketed, too. So...the best plan was to both wait…

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Firewood and Christmas trees

cutting christmas tree
Most national forests allow users to harvest trees for personal use firewood and Christmas trees, but you must first have a Forest Service-issued permit and you must follow specific guidelines, which can vary from forest to forest. 

Here are some general guidelines: 

  • Contact the forest district office nearest you to obtain a permit for home firewood, Christmas tree and tree cutting instructions.
  • Wood or Christmas trees cannot be sold. Permits must be in your possession at all times while on the forest.
  • Contact each forest district office for specific dates, maps, times, and accessibility.
  • Before heading out, check the local forest for the latest warnings, such as fire or road closures.
  • Always check…

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There's a reason Bozeman is considered a "dream town" and lauded by many for offering high quality of life. When you fly in over the Bridger Range or drive into the Gallatin Valley and find yourself surrounded by mountains, it's easy to understand why people want to live, work and play here. Add the cultural amenities of a local symphony and museums, the vibrancy of a college community and an energetic downtown, Bozeman is the complete package.

Bozeman Information

Population: 45,250 people (2017 Census estimates)

Average daytime high: January 35ºF / July 83ºF

Annual Snowfall: 86 inches in town

Bozeman averages 300 days of sunshine. Due to the dry climate, summers are pleasant with warm days and cool nights. Mild winter weather is not…

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