CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. They are key in helping farms and ranches to fund their efforts while the work is being done and support locally sustainable agriculture. There are many different types of CSAs > fruits, flowers, veggies, meat, eggs and more...We have a lot of options for local CSAs in Montana. The best way to find them is to google them or visit the farmer's markets. We have a winter bi-weekly market at the fairgrounds in Bozeman and 2 weekly farmer's markets in the summer months on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

5 Benefits of a CSA:

1. You’re supporting your local community – it’s no secret that many of our local agricultural producers are being pushed out by larger-scale, commercial farmers. The best way to show your support is to put your money where your mouth is…literally.

2. It encourages more fruit and vegetable consumption – no excuse to not eat your veggies when they’re showing up on your doorstep each week. 

3. You get to experiment with different types of produce –  Having someone pick things for you (or at least the option of having them pick for you) encourages you to try things you normally wouldn’t. 

4. You’re eating in season – Our bodies aren’t supposed to eat the same things year-round. There’s a reason we eat strawberries in the summer and warming squash in the winter. CSA’s are only able to sell what they’re able to grow so what you get will be the freshest.

5. It saves you money – I’ve done the math, and we save about $10 each week by getting our fruits and veggies through our CSA.  It also ensures less food waste because they send you enough for how many you order for. We get just enough for two people and we polish them all off each week.

Here are some of the local CSA options:

Black Dog Farms 
Calliope Flowers
Amalthea Dairy
The CoopCSAs Near Bozeman

Posted by Courtney King on
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