Helpful tips so you can improve your home using the most cost-effective methods. This is especially helpful if you plan on selling your Bozeman home.

Don’t break your back shoveling snow. Try these tips to make winter less of a burden.


If you’re a Montana homeowner, chances are good you rue the winter: All that snow has to go somewhere, and it’s not getting there itself. 

Cue the snow shovel.

Barring a move to a snow-free state or barricading your family inside all winter, there’s no way to avoid the endless task of shoveling snow.  There are, however, ways to make the process much easier.  Here are three simple hacks to make the morning after a snowfall much less stressful.

1.  Spray Your Shovel with Cooking Oil

Snow sticking to your shovel makes an already arduous task even more obnoxious. Avoid it with this hack: Lightly coat your shovel with non-stick cooking oil to make snow…

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Fall Arrives in Bozeman

You probably give your home a deep clean in the spring – especially if you are considering listing your home for sale…and you should also show your home some love at the beginning of fall. Here's where to start:

1. Perform a pantry audit.

First, remove all the cans and boxes from the shelves, and vacuum away any lingering dust or crumbs – you might be amazed at what can build up in just a few months. Then, inspect each item before putting it back in its place, tossing anything that is expired or past its prime. Consult a shelf-life chart as a helpful guide.

 2. Test and clean your smoke detectors.

You already know to put fresh batteries in your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors (doing this on the days you change the clocks for…

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Prep your real estate for sale in Bozeman to look its best during real estate’s hottest selling season. 

If you’re planning to list your home towards the end of summer — and hope to sell before the snow flies here in southwest Montana — the clock is ticking.  Even before you meet with an agent, prep your home so you can capitalize on the sizzling summer selling season, when 60% of all homes are bought and sold!

 Here are 6 essential steps to take now to be real estate for sale-ready:

 1. Tackle the obvious repairs

If you want to sell your home this summer, start by tackling all the necessary and obvious repairs.  The idea is to prevent potential home buyers from being distracted by chipping paint, scuffed-up floors, and leaking gutters…

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Winter’s doldrums got you down? Grab a screwdriver and a hammer and fight back with easy home repairs that’ll raise spirits and get your house ready for spring.

Accomplishments — even little ones — go a long way toward a sunny outlook. Fortunately, there are plenty of easy, quick home repair chores you can do when you’re mired in the thick of winter. For max efficiency, make a to-do list ahead of time and shop for all the tools and supplies in one trip. On your work days, put the basics in a caddy and carry it from room to room, checking off completed tasks as you speed through them.

What to Look (and Listen) For

In each room, look around and take stock of what needs fixing or improving. Focus on small, quick-hit changes, not major redos. Here…

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You’re about to be shut in for the season — here’s how to make sure your home is free of dust and dirt before you hunker down.

The heck with spring cleaning. 

Our national obsession should be fall cleaning.

Why? We’re about to shut ourselves inside for months with all the dirt and grime our houses have gathered during those hot, dusty, open-window days of summer and fall. We’ll be living with indoor air quality that the EPA estimates could be five times more polluted than outdoor air.

But you can breathe easy — we’ve made up a checklist of must-do cleaning jobs that’ll get the dust out, spruce up your interiors for the coming holidays, and make those wintry days healthier — and safer — for you and your family.

Vacuum Dryer Vent
This little chore…

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