One Family's Choice

Mel Visser and his wife, Marge, recently finalized a conservation easement on their Manhattan property with the help of the Gallatin Valley Land Trust. The easement will protect the 779-acre land from fragmentation, development and non-agricultural commercial activity.

Montanans love their farms and ranches, so conservation is becoming more well-known and utilized for many of wide-open spaces is very important for one as development expands across the valley. With the recent Shelter in Place rule across the globe, more folks have flocked to the Rocky Mountains to seek more space and nature. It can take its toll on smaller communities and drive prices higher of land, development and housing.

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 Have you heard of the Series, "Yellowstone" on Paramount featuring Kevin Costner? If you haven't yet, you are evidently missing out! Locals watched it knowing the some of it was not accurate like "being allowed to move a river or creek" to suit a landowner's needs while tourists are enthralled with the storyline, the scenery, and the actors- loads of drama. The TV show has been so successful that they have decided to move the filming from Utah to Montana permanently. The location will remain active through fall and will host approximately 40 full-time staff members. Up to 150 staff will be on-site for filming. There have been casting calls to start in August for those interested in being front and center with the cast should contact casting…

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